Information du mot arrival (anglais → espéranto: provizo)

Synonymes: supply, resource, stock, store, administration

Parti du discourssubstantif
Alphabet de Shaw𐑼𐑲𐑝𐑩𐑤
Alphabet de Deseret𐐯𐑉𐐴𐑂𐑊

Exemples d’usage

The arrival of high‐precision long‐range artillery and rocket systems from western allies has allowed Ukrainian forces to target Russian supply lines and storage sites far behind the front lines.


allemandVersorgung; Vorrat
anglais (vieil anglais)onstal
catalanaprovisionament; provisió
françaisprovision; réserve
frison saterlandFersuurgenge; Foorroat; Föörroat
néerlandaisprovisie; voorziening
portugaisabastecimento; provisão