Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word introu

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(op); ;
🔗 Brasilië is die enigste Portugeessprekende land in Suid‐Amerika.
(oor; op; van; omtrent); ; ; ;
🔗 Afrika is die wêreld se tweede grootste kontinent (na Asië) in sowel oppervlakte as bevolking.
get married
; ;
get married
; ;

introu intermarry; marry into
in about; at; in; collect; during; gather; into; of; on; up; within
trou lead to the altar; constancy; espouse; loyalty; fealty; fidelity; firm; splice; husband; leal; loyal; marry; mate; regular; solid; staunchness; staunch; take; get married; troth; true; trustiness; trustworthy; truth; unswerving; wed; wive