Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word peil

Afrikaans → English
peil collimate; fathom; gauge; gauging; level; mark; meridian; plumb; probe; search; sound; standard; take bearings; take soundings
benede die peil not up to the mark; below the mark
op peil bring level
aanpeil home; start home
afpeil fathom; gauge
hoogpeil high‐water mark
inpeil set
lewenspeil standard of living; standard of life
oliepeil oil level
peilbaar fathomable; gaugeable; soundable
peilend sounding
peiler leadsman
peilglas gauge‐glass; gauge
peilketting gauging‐chain
peilkraan gauge‐cock
peillood lead; plumb‐bob; plummet
peilskoot sighter; sighting‐shot
peilstif searcher
peilstok gauge‐rod; gauging‐rod
peiltoestel sounding‐device
peilvlak straight
peilyster probe‐bar
vloedpeil flood‐level
waterpeil flood‐mark; water level; watermark
wondpeil sound