Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word roos

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto

roos eczema; rosace; rose; Saint Anthony’s fire; scurf; tetter; wildfire
geen roos sonder dorings nie no rose without a thorn
wilde roos dog‐rose
aardroos root parasite
balroos guelder‐rose
belroos erysipelas; Saint Anthony’s fire
bergroos mountain rose
damasroos damask rose
duinroos dune‐rose; Scotch rose
gordelroos shingles
hondsroos dog‐brier
kankerroos cockle‐burr
Kersmisroos Christmas rose; hydrangea
klaproos corn poppy
kompasroos compass‐card; compass‐face; compass‐rose
krismisroos bigleaf hydrangea; French hydrangea; hortensia; lacecap hydrangea; mop‐head hydrangea
ligroos pink
maagderoos cabbage‐rose
mosroos moss‐rose
muskusroos musk‐rose
pinksterroos peony
rankroos rambler; climbing rose
roosagtig rosaceous; rosy
roosblaar rose‐leaf
roosboom rose‐tree
roosgeur scent of roses
rooshout rosewood
rooskleur rose; rose‐colour
rooskleurig rose; roseate; rose‐coloured; rose‐pink; rosy
roosknop hip; rose‐bud
rooskweker rosarian
rooslaning rose hedge
roosluis rose‐bug
roosstruik rosebush
roostuin rosary; rosarium
roosuitslag roseola; rose‐rash
roosvenster Catherine wheel; rose‐window
roosvingerig rosy‐fingered
rooswater rose‐water
rosegeur scent of roses
rosekrans beads; chaplet; rosary
roserooi pink; rose; rose‐red
selonsroos Ceylon rose; oleander
skubelisroos paper flower
skubliesroos pride of India
sneeuroos snowball
sonroos rock‐rose
stamroos standard rose
stokroos hollyhock; rose mallow
strandroos statice
teeroos tea‐rose
tylroos jonquil
windroos compass‐card; compass‐face; compass‐rose; rhumb‐card
wondroos erysipelas