
Catalan–English dictionary

English translation of the Catalan word boix

Catalan → English
CatalanEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
boix blanc
(boix mascle; boix comú)
common box
European box
boix comú
(boix mascle; boix blanc)
common box
European box
boix grèvol
common holly
English holly
European holly
ordinara ilekso
boix mascle
(boix comú; boix blanc)
common box
European box
boix moll
(xuclamel; xuclamel de bosc; xuclamel santjoaner; xuclamel xilosti)
fly honeysuckle
European fly honeysuckle
dwarf honeysuckle
fly woodbine
eruga del boix
box‐tree moth

boix blanc boxwood; common box; European box
boix comú common box; European box; boxwood
boix grèvol holly; common holly; English holly; European holly
boix mascle common box; European box; boxwood
boix moll fly honeysuckle; European fly honeysuckle; dwarf honeysuckle; fly woodbine
eruga del boix box‐tree moth