
Catalan–English dictionary

English translation of the Catalan word ortiga

Catalan → English
CatalanEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
campaneta de fulles d’ortiga
(campaneta d’ortiga)
nettle‐leaved bell‐flower
campaneta d’ortiga
(campaneta de fulles d’ortiga)
nettle‐leaved bell‐flower
falsa ortiga
(flor d’ortiga; ortiga blanca; ortiga morta)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
flor d’ortiga
(falsa ortiga; ortiga blanca; ortiga morta)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga blanca
(falsa ortiga; flor d’ortiga; ortiga morta)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga gran
(ortiga verda)
common nettle
dioika urtiko
ortiga menor
(ortiga petita)
annual nettle
dwarf nettle
small nettle
dog nettle
burning nettle
malgranda urtiko
ortiga morta
ortiga morta
(falsa ortiga; flor d’ortiga; ortiga blanca)
white dead‐nettle
white nettle
ortiga petita
(ortiga menor)
annual nettle
dwarf nettle
small nettle
dog nettle
burning nettle
malgranda urtiko
ortiga verda
(ortiga gran)
common nettle
dioika urtiko

ortiga nettle; stinging‐nettle
campaneta de fulles d’ortiga nettle‐leaved bell‐flower; throatwort
campaneta d’ortiga throatwort; nettle‐leaved bell‐flower
falsa ortiga white nettle; white dead‐nettle
flor d’ortiga white nettle; white dead‐nettle
ortiga blanca white nettle; white dead‐nettle
ortiga gran common nettle; stinging‐nettle
ortiga menor annual nettle; dwarf nettle; small nettle; dog nettle; burning nettle
ortiga morta dead‐nettle; white nettle; white dead‐nettle
ortiga petita annual nettle; dwarf nettle; small nettle; dog nettle; burning nettle
ortiga verda common nettle; stinging‐nettle