English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word Hell

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 One of you killed him.
(the one)
(go; be going to; will)
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 I’ll bring them!
🔗 Mr. Mugabe died in 2019 at the age of 95, reportedly without leaving a will.
(be willing to; want; wish)
🔗 I will hear no excuses.
(go; be going to; shall)
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 So it will be.

Hell Hel
hell afgrond; duisternis; hel; speelhol
a hell of a noise ’n helse lawaai
give somebody hell iemand sonder genade opdons
hell for leather met geweldige vaart
lettuce from hell thistle disseldoring
like hell! nooit!
like hell ongenadig; radeloos
he diegene; hy; mansmens
hell‐born duiwels; hels
hell‐cat feeks; helleveeg
hell‐fire helvuur
hell‐hound helhond
hellish boosaardig; hels
shall moet; sal
will begeer; bemaak; deur wilskrag bedwing; sal; sin; testament; wens; wil; willekeur; wilskrag