English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word rock garden

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The old garden doubtless was enchanted, she thought, with a magic evidently benign.
🔗 All of the Hawaiian Islands are made of just one kind of rock.
(shake; shock; agitate)
🔗 The capital has been rocked by explosions in recent days, but it is far from encircled.
(hesitate; waver; falter; stagger; totter; vacillate; wobble; lurch)
🔗 Today the rocks were bare.

rock garden rotstuin
garden hof; tuin; tuinier; tuinmaak
rock hobbel; klip; kliprots; laat skud; rots; skommel; skud; slinger; waggel; wankel; wieg; wiegel; wikkel