English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word so what?

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(consequently; subsequently; thus; accordingly)
(such; thus; thereby; in that way; that way; as)
🔗 And that is what so brilliant about it!
(that much; so much; so many; that amount)
(quite; very; very much; most; really; well; particularly)
🔗 What’ll we do?
(that; which)
🔗 He didn’t like what he saw.
(what a)
🔗 What peculiar stuff!
🔗 What name shall I announce?
(what kind of; what sort of; what manner of)
🔗 What difference does that make?
🔗 Do you know what tomorrow is, Kitty?

so what? en wat daarvan?
so derhalwe; dus; so; sodanig
what hoe; hè; nè; wat; watter; welke