English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word year‐round

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(file; line; rank; row; queue; run; sequence; bank; string)
(sequence; string; row)
🔗 A big victory for the government before the end of the year would doubtless be welcome.

round afrond; bol; bom; gerond; globale; granaat; in die rondte; influister; insluit; kling; kringvormig; laag; om; omgang; omloop; omring; omseil; openhartig; patroon; roetine; rond; rondborstig; rondedans; rondjie; rond maak; rondom; rondreis; rondte; sirkelvormig; skoot; sny; sport; vol; welluidend
year jaar; jaartal

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