English–Albanian dictionary

Albanian translation of the English word someone

English → Albanian
EnglishAlbanian (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 One in six care workers in the UK is from overseas, but very few earn the £ 25,600 threshold proposed by the committee.
(a little; rather; somewhat; to some extent; a bit; slightly; some amount; any amount; a little bit; a touch; a trifle)
(any; a few; several; some of; divers; a number of)
🔗 So you do remember some things.
(about; approximately; around; roughly; circa)
🔗 Some 15% of respondents said they didn’t know.

someone dikush; ndokush; ndonjëri; njëra; njëri
someone else tjetërkush
one një; njëra; njëri
some ca; disa; ndonjë; njëfarë