English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word Chinese chard

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
Chinese chard
(paksoi; Chinese white cabbage; pak choi; Chinese mustard; celery mustard; spoon cabbage; Chinese leaves)
col xinesa
(Swiss chard; silver beet; perpetual spinach; beet spinach; sea‐kale beet; leaf beet)
🔗 Chard is mainly sown in the spring for picking over the summer, although by protecting the crop with a cloche, leaves can be harvested during autumn and winter.
🔗 Before the Cultural Revolution, Máo had launched the industrialization and agricultural modernisation campaign known as the Great Leap Forward, creating a famine that led to the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese.

Chinese chard col xinesa
chard bleda; bledera