English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word amaranth

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
fox‐tail amaranth
(love‐lies‐bleeding; pendant amaranth; tassel flower; velvet flower; quilete)
cua de guineu
green amaranth
(smooth amaranth; smooth pigweed; red amaranth; slim amaranth)
amarant híbrid
pendant amaranth
(love‐lies‐bleeding; tassel flower; velvet flower; fox‐tail amaranth; quilete)
cua de guineu
red amaranth
(smooth amaranth; smooth pigweed; green amaranth; slim amaranth)
amarant híbrid
slim amaranth
(smooth amaranth; smooth pigweed; red amaranth; green amaranth)
amarant híbrid
smooth amaranth
(smooth pigweed; red amaranth; green amaranth; slim amaranth)
amarant híbrid

amaranth amarant
fox‐tail amaranth cua de guineu
green amaranth amarant híbrid
pendant amaranth cua de guineu
red amaranth amarant híbrid
slim amaranth amarant híbrid
smooth amaranth amarant híbrid