English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word cranberry

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
alpine cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
cranberry bush
aliguer matoner
dry ground cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
European cranberry bush
(guelder‐rose; cranberry bush)
aliguer matoner
moss cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
mountain cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
rock cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
shore cranberry
(cowberry; red whorteberry)
nabiu vermell
🔗 The berries are an important food for bears and foxes, and many fruit‐eating birds.

alpine cranberry nabiu vermell
dry ground cranberry nabiu vermell
European cranberry bush aliguer; aliguer matoner
moss cranberry nabiu vermell
mountain cranberry nabiu vermell
rock cranberry nabiu vermell
shore cranberry nabiu vermell
berry baia

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