English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word cypress

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(cypress tree)
Alaska cypress
(Nootka cypress; yellow cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska cedar; Alaska yellow cedar)
xiprer de Nootka
nutka cipreso
🔗 Liane sped down a wide avenue lined with a few stunted old cypress trees, and he heard Chun close to his heels.
hinoki cypress
(Japanese cypress; hinoki)
xiprer japonès
Italian cypress
(Mediterranean cypress; Persian cypress; pencil pine)
xiprer mediterrani
mediteranea cipreso
Japanese cypress
(hinoki cypress; hinoki)
xiprer japonès
Mediterranean cypress
(Persian cypress; pencil pine)
xiprer mediterrani
mediteranea cipreso
Monterey cypress
xiprer de Lambert
montereja cipreso
Nootka cypress
(yellow cypress; Alaska cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska cedar; Alaska yellow cedar)
xiprer de Nootka
nutka cipreso
Persian cypress
(Mediterranean cypress; pencil pine)
xiprer mediterrani
mediteranea cipreso
Tuscan cypress
(Mediterranean cypress; Persian cypress; pencil pine)
xiprer mediterrani
mediteranea cipreso
yellow cypress
(Nootka cypress; Alaska cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska cedar; Alaska yellow cedar)
xiprer de Nootka
nutka cipreso

cypress xiprer
Alaska cypress xiprer de Nootka
hinoki cypress xiprer japonès
Italian cypress xiprer; xiprer mediterrani
Japanese cypress xiprer japonès
Mediterranean cypress xiprer; xiprer mediterrani
Monterey cypress xiprer de Lambert
Nootka cypress xiprer de Nootka
Persian cypress xiprer; xiprer mediterrani
Tuscan cypress xiprer; xiprer mediterrani
yellow cypress xiprer de Nootka