English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word day

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Unlike the common year, a leap‐year has 366 days.
🔗 Every day I hear a new rumour.
(morning coat; jacket; morning dress)
good day
bon dia
bonan tagon
the day before yesterday
abans d’ahir
🔗 Half the words we use in daily speech are derived from Latin.
(dream; fancy; muse)
somiar despert
🔗 I daydream sometimes, but I know the difference between daydreams and what’s real.
🔗 One was shot dead early Friday, and the other is still on the loose, authorities said.
🔗 Yinglak said Monday that she believes the military is taking a neutral stance.
(current; present; topical; up‐to‐date; contemporary)
🔗 New infections rose past 80,000 cases on both Friday and Saturday, breaking previous single‐day records.
(at some time; ever; sometime; anytime)
alguna vegada
algun dia
en algun temps
una vegada
un cop
🔗 Someday I will be queen.
🔗 It was closed Sundays.
🔗 The implications of Corker’s remarks Thursday are staggering.
🔗 There were thousands of people in town on Tuesday.
🔗 The island was completely without electricity Wednesday.

day dia
All Saints’ Day Tots Sants; dia de Tots Sants
Boxing Day diada de Sant Esteve
every other day dia per altre
good day bon dia
saint’s day dia del sant
some day un dia
the day before yesterday abans d’ahir
birthday aniversari de naixement; natalici
daily diari; diàriament; quotidià
daylight alba; llum de dia
daytime de dia
Friday divendres
holiday dia festiu; festa; vacances
midday migdia
Monday dilluns
nowadays avui dia
Saturday dissabte
Sunday diumenge
Thursday dijous
Tuesday dimarts
Wednesday dimecres
weekday dia d’entre setmana; dia feiner; dia laborable
workday dia d’entre setmana; dia feiner; dia laborable