English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word grand fir

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
grand fir
(giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; western white fir; Vancouver fir)
avet gegant
(silver‐fir; fir‐tree)
🔗 In addition to being directly affected by warming, spruce and fir might also struggle to compete for sunlight and water with neighbouring trees and plants as climate changes.
(grandiose; magnificent; superb; fabulous; splendid; sublime)
🔗 She occupied a grand apartment in Kensington Palace, now home to prince William and his family.
(ceremonious; solemn)

grand fir avet gegant
fir avet
grand esplèndid; gran; grandiós; magnífic