English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word rain

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Rain falls during the monsoon season from about June to October.
golden rain
(common laburnum; golden chain; golden chain tree)
banús fals
pluja d’or
rain crow
(yellow‐billed cuckoo)
cucut becgroc
flavbeka kukolo
selva pluvial
bosc humit
🔗 Most primate species live in tropical rainforests.
aigua de pluja

rain ploure; pluja
golden rain banús fals; laburn; pluja d’or
rain crow cucut becgroc
rainbow arc de sant Martí
raindrop gota de pluja
rainforest bosc humit; pluviïsilva; selva humida; selva pluvial
rain‐water aigua de pluja
rainy plujós