English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word so long as

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(because; for; ’cause)
🔗 Here, however, they die during winter, as they cannot survive the low temperatures.
(like; such as; for; the way)
🔗 As you may recall, these simple types allow you to hold and manipulate numeric values and strings.
(so; such; thus; thereby; in that way; that way)
🔗 Not everyone is as pessimistic.
🔗 Most of this length was made up by the long slender tail.
(long for; yearn; ache; ache for)

so long as amb que
as com; com a; en qualitat de; ja que; mentre; per tal com; perquè; quan; tal com; tan
long anhelar; desitjar; durant; estona; llarg; molt; molt de temps; temps