English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word western

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(capercaillie; Eurasian capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood); ;
gall salvatge
western jackdaw
(daw; jackdaw; Eurasian jackdaw; European jackdaw; jack; chough)
western marsh harrier
(Eurasian marsh harrier)
arpellot de marjal
milana voltonera
western white fir
(grand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; Vancouver fir)
avet gegant
western yellow pine
(ponderosa pine; bull pine; blackjack pine)
pi ponderosa

western de l’oest; occidental
western capercaille gall fer; gall fer comú; gall salvatge; indiot salvatge
western jackdaw gralla
western marsh harrier arpella; arpellot de marjal; milana voltonera
western white fir avet gegant
western yellow pine pi ponderosa
west occident; oest; ponent