English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word white

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 During summer, small white flowers full of nectar appear.
white dead‐nettle
(white nettle)
falsa ortiga
flor d’ortiga
ortiga blanca
ortiga morta
white nettle
(white dead‐nettle)
falsa ortiga
flor d’ortiga
ortiga blanca
ortiga morta
(tulip tree; tulip poplar; yellow poplar; American tulip tree; fiddle‐tree)
tuliper de Virgínia

white blanc
white dead‐nettle falsa ortiga; flor d’ortiga; ortiga blanca; ortiga morta
white nettle falsa ortiga; flor d’ortiga; ortiga blanca; ortiga morta
whiteness blancor; blancúria
whitewood tuliper de Virgínia