English–Czech dictionary

Czech translation of the English word Persian

English → Czech
EnglishCzech (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Oh, I’ve chosen my words carefully, Persian.
Persian cypress
(Mediterranean cypress; pencil pine)
cypřiš italský
cypřiš pravý
cypřiš stálezelený
cypřiš vždyzelený
mediteranea cipreso
Perský záliv
🔗 In the early period it was the name of a small territory in southern Babylonia extending along the northern and probably also the western shores of the Persian Gulf.
Persian lilac
(china‐berry; china‐berry tree; bead‐tree; syringa berry tree; pride of India)
zederach hladký
Persian speedwell
(birdeye speedwell; common field speedwell; large field speedwell; bird’s‐eye; winter speedwell)
rozrazil perský
(English walnut; common walnut)
ořešák královský
ořešák vlašský
🔗 Black walnut is more resistant to frost than the English or Persian walnut, but thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with high water tables.

Persian cypress cypřiš italský; cypřiš pravý; cypřiš stálezelený; cypřiš vždyzelený
Persian lilac zederach hladký
Persian speedwell rozrazil perský
Persian walnut ořešák královský; ořešák vlašský