English–Czech dictionary

Czech translation of the English word bitter

English → Czech
EnglishCzech (translated indirectly)Esperanto
bitter aloe
(Cape aloe; tap aloe)
aloe kapská
aloe trnitá
bitter apple
(colocynth; colocynth apple; bitter‐cucumber; desert gourd; vine of Sodom; wild gourd)
kolokvinta obecná
bitter buttons
(common tansy; cow bitter; golden buttons; tansy)
kopretina vratič
vratič obecný
bitter nightshade
(bittersweet; woody nightshade; bittersweet nightshade; blue bindweed; climbing nightshade; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonflower; scarlet berry; trailing bittersweet; trailing nightshade; violet bloom)
lilek potměchuť
Chinese bitter orange
(trifoliate orange; Japanese bitter orange; hardy orange)
citronečník trojlistý
trifolia citruso
cow bitter
(common tansy; bitter buttons; golden buttons; tansy)
kopretina vratič
vratič obecný
Japanese bitter orange
(trifoliate orange; hardy orange; Chinese bitter orange)
citronečník trojlistý
trifolia citruso
(colocynth; colocynth apple; bitter apple; desert gourd; vine of Sodom; wild gourd)
kolokvinta obecná
(woody nightshade; bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; blue bindweed; climbing nightshade; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonflower; scarlet berry; trailing bittersweet; trailing nightshade; violet bloom)
lilek potměchuť
(common ragweed)
ambrozie peřenolistá

bitter aloe aloe kapská; aloe trnitá
bitter apple kolokvinta obecná
bitter buttons kopretina vratič; vratič obecný
bitter dock šťovík tupolistý
bitter nightshade lilek potměchuť
Chinese bitter orange citronečník trojlistý
cow bitter kopretina vratič; vratič obecný
Japanese bitter orange citronečník trojlistý
bitter‐cress řeřišnice
bitter‐cucumber kolokvinta obecná
bittersweet lilek potměchuť
bitterweed ambrozie peřenolistá