English–Czech dictionary

Czech translation of the English word climbing

English → Czech
EnglishCzech (translated indirectly)Esperanto
climbing buckwheat
(black bindweed; wild buckwheat; bind‐corn; corn bindweed; devil’s tether)
opletka obecná
climbing hydrangea
hortenzie řapíkatá
grimpa hortensio
climbing nightshade
(bittersweet; woody nightshade; bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; blue bindweed; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonflower; scarlet berry; trailing bittersweet; trailing nightshade; violet bloom)
lilek potměchuť

climbing buckwheat opletka obecná
climbing hydrangea hortenzie řapíkatá
climbing nightshade lilek potměchuť

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