English–Czech dictionary

Czech translation of the English word giant

English → Czech
EnglishCzech (translated indirectly)Esperanto
giant barracuda
(great barracuda)
soltýn barakuda
giant buttercup
(meadow buttercup; tall buttercup; common buttercup)
pryskyřník prudký
giant cow parsley
(giant hogweed; cart‐wheel flower; giant cow parsnip; hogsbane)
bolševník velkolepý
giant cow parsnip
(giant hogweed; cart‐wheel flower; hogsbane; giant cow parsley)
bolševník velkolepý
giant fir
(grand fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; western white fir; Vancouver fir)
jedle obrovská
(cart‐wheel flower; giant cow parsnip; hogsbane; giant cow parsley)
bolševník velkolepý
🔗 The plant in question was a toxic giant hogweed.
giant hyssop
(humming‐bird mint)
Giant Mountains
giant neotropical toad
(cane toad; marine toad)
ropucha obrovská
giant onion
česnek obrovský
giant polypore
(black‐staining polypore)
vějířovec obrovský
giganta meripilo
giant redwood
(sequoia; giant sequoia; Sierra redwood; Sierran redwood; wellingtonia)
Mexican giant hyssop
agastaché mexická

giant barracuda soltýn barakuda
giant buttercup pryskyřník prudký
giant fir jedle obrovská
giant hyssop agastaché
giant neotropical toad ropucha obrovská
giant onion česnek obrovský
giant polypore vějířovec obrovský
giant redwood sekvojovec
Mexican giant hyssop agastaché mexická