English–Czech dictionary

Czech translation of the English word starwort

English → Czech
EnglishCzech (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(stichwort; chickweed; stitchwort)
common starwort
(grass‐leaved stitchwort; grass‐like starwort; lesser stitchwort)
ptačinec trávovitý
grass‐like starwort
(common starwort; grass‐leaved stitchwort; lesser stitchwort)
ptačinec trávovitý
lesser stitchwort
(common starwort; grass‐leaved stitchwort; grass‐like starwort)
ptačinec trávovitý
🔗 Are not the stars beautiful?

starwort ptačinec
common starwort ptačinec trávovitý
grass‐like starwort ptačinec trávovitý
lesser stitchwort ptačinec trávovitý
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