English–Danish dictionary

Danish translation of the English word best

English → Danish
EnglishDanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
plej bona
🔗 It was the best I could get.
get the best of
(exceed; surpass; beat; defeat; excel; outclass; outscore; outshine; get the better of; cap; outmatch)
(nice; fine; okay; all right)
(brave; valiant; gallant; valorous; honest; worthy; staunch; stallwart; above‐deck)

best bedst; højest; mest
all the best! held og lykke!
at best i bedste fald
best man forlover
make the best of få det mest mulige ud af
the best part of størstedelen af
to the best of my ability så godt jeg kan
to the best of my knowledge så vidt jeg ved
good god