English–Danish dictionary

Danish translation of the English word climbing

English → Danish
EnglishDanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 All day he climbed, choosing the long way when it seemed safer, exercising all the lore of mountain‐climbing that he had accumulated, and resting often.
climbing buckwheat
(black bindweed; wild buckwheat; bind‐corn; corn bindweed; devil’s tether)
climbing hydrangea
grimpa hortensio
climbing nightshade
(bittersweet; woody nightshade; bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; blue bindweed; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonflower; scarlet berry; trailing bittersweet; trailing nightshade; violet bloom)
bittersød natskygge

climbing bjergbestigning
climbing buckwheat snerlepileurt
climbing hydrangea klatrehortensia
climbing nightshade bittersød natskygge
climb bjergbestigning; klatre; klatretur; klavre op på; kravle; skråne opad; stige; stige op på; stigning