English–Danish dictionary

Danish translation of the English word hell

English → Danish
EnglishDanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 One of you killed him.
hell’s bells
(apple of Peru; thorn‐apple; Jimson weed; devil’s snare; moonflower; devil’s trumpet; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; devil’s cucumber)
almindelig pigæble
lettuce from hell thistle
(creeping thistle; prickly thistle; small‐flowered thistle)
(go; be going to; will);
kommer til at
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 I’ll bring them!
🔗 Mr. Mugabe died in 2019 at the age of 95, reportedly without leaving a will.
(wish; volition)
🔗 An October 24 poll revealed an undiminished will.
(be willing to; want; wish)
🔗 I will hear no excuses.
(go; be going to; shall);
kommer til at
<futura helpverbo>
🔗 So it will be.

he han
hell’s bells almindelig pigæble; pigæble
lettuce from hell thistle agertidsel
shall skulle
will kommer til at; skal; vilje; ville

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