English–Danish dictionary

Danish translation of the English word once

English → Danish
EnglishDanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(one time)
en gang
(as soon as)
så snart som
🔗 Because once we run out of hospital beds, we will face something the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
at once
(right now; forthwith; instantaneously; straight away; immediately; straightway; directly; right off the bat; instantly; right away)
(again; all over again; anew; afresh; once more; a second time)
🔗 Once again he shook his head.
(again; all over again; anew; afresh; once again; a second time)
🔗 The ghost has once more become part of Blidak.
🔗 One in six care workers in the UK is from overseas, but very few earn the £ 25,600 threshold proposed by the committee.

once en gang; én gang; i sin tid
all at once med ét; pludselig
at once straks
once and for all én gang for alle
once for all én gang for alle
one en; man