English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word Low Latin

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 They expect no previous knowledge of Latin or any other inflected language.
(base; vile; depraved; ignoble; lowlife; mean; sordid);
(nasty; foul; gross; lousy; lowlife; sleazy)
laagste punt
plej malalta punkto
(bellow; neigh; growl; whinny; moo; squeal; vociferate)
🔗 Murdoch allied himself with Trump despite holding the former reality show host in low esteem.

Low Latin kloosterlatijn
Latin Latijn; Latijns; latina; latino
low bulken; gemeen; gering; laag; loeien; neerslachtig; ordinair; platvloers