English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word be in dire straits

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(extreme; dramatic; gross; ultra; abject);
🔗 There is clearly dire risk to this mission.
(menacing; threatening; dark; intimidating; ominous)
(dreadful; gruesome; horrible; terrible; appalling; awful; atrocious; terrific);
🔗 I do not blame May for the present dire state of our poor country.
(channel; straits)
; ;

be in dire straits erg in het nauw zitten; in een hopeloze situatie verkeren
dire akelig; ijselijk; nijpend; verschrikkelijk
strait bekrompen; eng; engte; moeilijkheid; nauw; nauwte; straat; streng; zeestraat; zeeëngte