English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word be in need of

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(require; want);
🔗 Then you need to sleep.
(destitution; distress; indigence; penury; privation; want);
(requisite; want; requirement);
(must; ought to; should; be obliged to; be obliged; have to; be to)
🔗 Need I mention the person’s name?
(poverty; impoverishment); ;
(requisite; necessity)
(have to); ;
🔗 Need I remind you?
🔗 We need the cart.

be in need of nodig hebben; van node hebben
need behoefte; behoeven; hoeven; moeten; nodig hebben; nood; noodzaak; noodzakelijkheid; vereisen