English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word devils and angels

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
devils and angels
(cuckoo‐pint; jack‐in‐the‐pulpit; lords‐and‐ladies; Adam and Eve; adder’s root; arum; wild arum; arum lily; bobbins; cows and bulls; cuckoo‐plant; friar’s cowl; naked boys; snake’s head; starch‐root; wake‐robin)
(female angel)
🔗 Those who had glimpsed it called it simply a devil.

devils and angels gevlekte aronskelk
angel engel; engelachtig; engelen‐
devil drommel; duivel; duivelstoejager; heet peperen; kerel; loopjongen; pittig kruiden