English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word dreadnought

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
🔗 The day Florida has been dreading is finally here.
(fright; terror)
🔗 Who can, with my knowledge, think of the earth’s unknown caverns without a nightmare dread of future possibilities?
(alarming; daunting; dreadful; fearful; frightful; scary); ; ; ; ;
(null; zero; zilch)
(nothing; zilch; not anything)
🔗 Then, if you have heard naught of me, go back to Wulfhere.

dreadnought dreadnought; onverschrokken; onverschrokken kerel; <soort overjas>
dread duchten; ergens tegenop zien; gevreesd; met schrik tegemoet zien; niet durven; opzien tegen; schromen; vrees; vreeslijk; vreselijk; vrezen
naught niets; nul