English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word eat into one’s capital

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(capital city; metropolis)
🔗 The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague.
🔗 Under these circumstances, Russia’s businessmen do not keep capital in Russia and panic at the slightest threat.
(feed; have a meal); ;
🔗 As he ate he watched her, and she watched him.
🔗 The leaves are eaten.

eat into one’s capital interen
capital best; financiering; hoofdletter; hoofdsom; hoofdstad; hoofd‐; jofel; kapitaal; kapiteel; onbetaalbaar; patent; prachtig; stock; uitmuntend
eat bikken; eten; invreten; nuttigen; opeten; schaften; spijzen; vreten