English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word first‐hand

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The first five chapters are designed to provide a working knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
(firstly; first of all; originally);
🔗 Then you go first.
(initial; elementary; introductory; primary)
; ;
🔗 It’s not the first time we’ve had this problem.
🔗 Alpha is the first Greek letter.
🔗 This is an adventure book of the first quality.
(hand over); ;
ter hand stellen
(labourer; operative; worker; working man; workman)
🔗 Scales laid a hand on his shoulder.
(convey; hand over; pass; assign; deliver; transmit; transfer; turn over); ; ; ;
(veteran; ex‐serviceman)

first‐hand uit de eerste hand
first eerder; eerst; eerste; eerste prijs; eerste stem; eersteling; liever; nummer één; pril; primus; ten eerste; voorste
hand aangeven; aanreiken; afgeven; arbeider; arbeidskracht; geven; hand; handschrift; handtekening; handvol; kaart; kam; man; overhandigen; overreiken; poot; spel; speler; ter hand stellen; toereiken; voorpoot; wijzer