English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word marsh plant

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Many are the lovely plants that are not exactly marsh plants but that like ground that is always cool and rather moist.
(swamp; bog; wetland; fen; marshland; morass; quag; quagmire; slough)
; ;
🔗 Some ladies asked me why their plant had died.
(factory; works)
🔗 Ineos had been planning to produce the SUV at a new plant in Bridgend, Wales, creating 500 jobs.

marsh plant moerasplant
marsh moeras; moeras‐
plant aanplanten; aanpoten; bedrijf; bedrijfsmateriaal; begraven; beplanten; bepoten; claqueur; complot; doorgestoken kaart; fabriek; geheim agent; gewas; infiltrant; installatie; koloniseren; neerzetten; opstellen; outillage; plant; planten; posteren; poten; stille; toebrengen; uitpoten; verbergen; vestigen; zetten; zwendel