English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word orchid

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
bird’s‐nest orchid
birdnesta neotio
bird’s‐nest orchid
burnt orchid
aangebrande orchis
bruletigita orkido
fringed orchid
green‐winged orchid
arlekena orkido
man orchid
(early purple orchid)
military orchid
militista orkido
poor man’s orchid
(butterfly flower; fringe‐flower)
poor man’s orchid
(Balfour’s touch‐me‐not; Kashmir balsam)
tweekleurig springzaad
kaŝmira balzamino
spotted orchid
(fringed orchid)

orchid orchidee
bird’s‐nest orchid vogelnestje
fringed orchid nachtorchis
military orchid soldaatje
poor man’s orchid tweekleurig springzaad
butterfly‐orchid nachtorchis