English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word price rise

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 It’s not just those looking to book this year that have been affected by price rises.
🔗 Visa said that consumer spending fell for the first time in nearly four years in May as households were squeezed by rising prices and stagnant wages.
(cost; charge)
🔗 It’s not just Ukrainians who would pay the price.
(get up; stand; stand up suddenly; get on one’s feet; arise; rise to one’s feet)
🔗 He himself rose and went to stand with his back to the fire.
(arise; ascend; go up); ; ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 All of you, rise.
🔗 Authorities fear the death toll could rise.
(get up)
; ;
(augment; grow; increase)
(ferment; work); ;
(rebel; revolt; mutiny)
in opstand komen
🔗 Our slaves will never rise against their masters.
(bite; bite at; rise to the bait; take; take the bait)
(bite; rise to the bait; take the bait; take)
🔗 Food and non‐alcoholic beverage prices rose by 45 percent over last year while alcoholic beverage and tobacco prices jumped 47.6 percent due to an increased tax on cigarettes.

price rise prijsverhoging
price de prijs aangeven van; de prijs bepalen van; kans; koers; prijs; prijzen; schatten; waarde
rise aanbijten; beet; bovenkomen; de hoogte in gaan; gaan staan; hausse; helling; herrijzen; het woord nemen; in opstand komen; ontspringen; oorsprong; op reces gaan; opgaan; opgang; opklimmen; opklimming; opkomen; opkomst; oplopen; oprijzen; opslag; opstaan; opsteken; opstijgen; opvliegen; overeind komen; prijsstijging; prijsverhoging; promotie; promotie maken; rechtstaan; rijzen; rijzing; salarisverhoging; stijgen; stijging; toename; toeneming; traktementsverhoging; uiteengaan; uitrijzen; verheffing; verhoging; verrijzen; voortspruiten; vooruitgaan; vooruitkomen; was; wassen; zich oprichten; zich verheffen