English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word saké

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(beneficence; boon; charity; good; welfare; beneficience; benevolence)
🔗 I hope so, commander, for your sake.
; ;
pro la ĉielo
🔗 No, just pretend for God’s sake.
for the sake of
(because of; for; for sake of; on account of; owing to; through; at; from; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of)

art for art’s sake l’art pour l’art
for God’s sake om Gods wil; om godswil
for goodness’ sake om godswil
for her sake harenthalve; harentwille
for mercy’s sake om godswil
for my sake mijnenthalve; om mijnentwil; om mijnentwille
for old time’s sake uit oude genegenheid
for our sake om onzentwil; om onzentwille; onzenthalve
for our sakes om onzentwil; om onzentwille; onzenthalve
for pity’s sake in godsnaam; in vredesnaam; om godswil
for … sake omwille van …
for their sake hunnenthalve; om hunnentwille
for the mere sake of saying something alleen maar om iets te zeggen
for the sake of omwille van; ter wille van
for your sake om uwentwille; uwenthalve
I am glad for your sake ik ben blij voor u