English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word tea

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Would you care to take a cup of tea while you wait?
🔗 Kenya’s main exports to the EU are agricultural products, including vegetables, fruits and the country’s famous tea and coffee.
American mountain tea
(eastern teaberry; checkerberry; boxberry; American wintergreen; deerberry)
Canada tea
(eastern teaberry; checkerberry; boxberry; American wintergreen; deerberry)
ground tea
(eastern teaberry; checkerberry; boxberry; American wintergreen; deerberry)
herbal tea
(tisane; infusion)
iced tea
(ice tea)
ice tea
(iced tea)
mountain tea
(eastern teaberry; checkerberry; boxberry; American wintergreen; deerberry)
redbush tea
(rooibos tea; bush‐tea; red tea; South African red tea)
red tea
(rooibos tea; bush‐tea; redbush tea; South African red tea)
(bush‐tea; redbush tea; red tea; South African red tea)
🔗 They gather at the farm stall on sunny days and chat in Afrikaans as they sip their rooibos tea.
South African red tea
(rooibos tea; bush‐tea; redbush tea; red tea)
tea lady
(rooibos tea; redbush tea; red tea; South African red tea)
(eastern teaberry; checkerberry; boxberry; American wintergreen; deerberry)
(dishtowel; tea‐towel)
kuireja sekigtuko
(dishtowel; tea‐cloth)
kuireja sekigtuko

tea avondeten; <lichte middagmaaltijd>; thee; theedrinken; theevisite
American mountain tea bergthee
at tea bij de thee
be at tea aan het theedrinken zijn
beef tea bouillon
Canada tea bergthee
chamomile tea kamillethee
come to tea op de thee komen
ground tea bergthee
herbal tea kruidenthee
high tea <maaltijd aan het eind van de middag>
iced tea ijsthee
ice tea ijsthee
mint tea muntthee
mountain tea bergthee
redbush tea rooibosthee
red tea rooibosthee
rooibos tea rooibosthee
South African red tea rooibosthee
take tea theedrinken
tea infuser thee‐ei
tea lady koffiejuffrouw
tea leaf theeblaadje; theeblad
tea light theelichtje; waxinelichtje
bush‐tea rooibosthee
elder‐tea vlierthee
herb‐tea kruidenthee
tea‐ball thee‐ei
teaberry bergthee
tea‐break theepauze
tea‐caddy theebus; theekistje
teacake <zoet broodje met rozijnen>
tea‐canister theebus
tea‐chest theekist
tea‐cloth theedoek
tea‐cosy theemuts
tea‐crop theeoogst
tea‐culture theecultuur
teacup theekop; theekopje
tea‐dealer theehandelaar
tea‐factory theefabriek
tea‐garden theeplantage; theetuin
tea‐growing theecultuur
tea‐kettle theeketel
tea‐merchant theehandelaar
tea‐party theepartij; theevisite
tea‐plantation theeplantage
teapot theepot; trekpot
tea‐room lunchroom; theesalon; verbruikzaal
tea‐rose theeroos
tea‐service theeservies
tea‐set servies; theeservies
tea‐shop lunchroom; theesalon
teaspoon koffielepeltje; theelepeltje
tea‐strainer theezeefje
tea‐table theetafel
tea‐things theegerei; theegoed
tea‐towel afdroogdoek; droogdoek; theedoek
tea‐trade theehandel
tea‐tray theeblad
tea‐trolley theewagen
tea‐urn samovar
tea‐works theefabriek