English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word trade supervision

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(check; oversight; scrutiny; verification); ;
🔗 But we have to have this supervision.
🔗 But when they come to trade with you and when they come to fight with you, can you not tell whether they are flesh and blood or not?
(business; commerce; transaction)
; ;
(handicraft; occupation; craft)
; ; ; ; ;
(interchange; swap; change; exchange; share; switch);
(occupation; job)
; ; ; ;

trade supervision arbeidsinspectie
supervision controle; oppertoezicht; opzicht; supervisie; surveillance; toezicht
trade ambacht; bedrijf; beroep; branche; handel; handel drijven; handeldrijven; handelen; handelsverkeer; handwerk; koophandel; koopmanschap; métier; negotie; nering; ruilen; stiel; vak; verhandelen; verruilen; zaken