English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word Italian honeysuckle

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
Italian honeysuckle
(Italian woodbine; perfoliate honeysuckle; goat‐leaf honeysuckle; perfoliate woodbine)
chèvrefeuille des jardins
(European honeysuckle; woodbine; common honeysuckle)
chèvrefeuille des bois
eŭropa lonicero
🔗 In some cases the grip is deadly to the honeysuckle.
🔗 A flight carrying 56 Italian nationals from Wǔhàn, China, landed at Pratica di Mare military airport, outside of Rome, on Monday morning.
🔗 His words are more or less the same as that of Italians who visited Spain in the 1530s which was decades before the events mentioned above.

Italian honeysuckle chèvrefeuille des jardins
honeysuckle chèvrefeuille; chèvrefeuille des bois
Italian Italien; italien