English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word Mexican

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Such tough talk isn’t well received by Mexican leaders like Rios Piter.
Mexican ageratum
(flossflower; bluemink; blueweed; pussy foot; Mexican paintbrush)
agératum du Mexique
agérate du Mexique
Mexican breadfruit
(fruit salad plant; fruit salad tree; ceriman; Swiss cheese plant; cheese plant; windowleaf; delicious monster)
faux philodendron
Mexican giant hyssop
agastache mentholée
agastache mexicaine
hysope mexicaine
Mexican green tomato
(tomatillo; jamberry; Mexican tomato; Mexican husk tomato)
Mexican ground‐cherry
(tomatillo; jamberry; Mexican tomato; Mexican husk tomato)
Mexican hawthorn
aubépine du Mexique
Mexican husk tomato
(tomatillo; jamberry; Mexican tomato)
Mexican ivy
(cup‐and‐saucer vine; cathedral bells; monastery bells)
cobée grimpante
Mexican marigold
(Aztec marigold; African marigold)
rose d’Inde
rekta tageto
Mexican marigold
(sweet‐scented marigold; Mexican mint marigold; Mexican tarragon; sweet mace; Texas tarragon)
tagète Lucida
Mexican miniature water‐melon
(mouse melon; Mexican sour gherkin; cucamelon; Mexican sour cucumber)
concombre à confire
malglata melotrio
Mexican paintbrush
(flossflower; bluemink; blueweed; pussy foot; Mexican ageratum)
agératum du Mexique
agérate du Mexique
Mexican rose
(rose moss; ten o’clock; moss‐rose; Vietnam rose; sun rose; rock rose; moss‐rose purslane)
pourpier à grandes fleurs
grandflora portulako
Mexican sour cucumber
(mouse melon; Mexican sour gherkin; cucamelon; Mexican miniature water‐melon)
concombre à confire
malglata melotrio
Mexican sour gherkin
(mouse melon; cucamelon; Mexican miniature water‐melon; Mexican sour cucumber)
concombre à confire
malglata melotrio
Mexican tarragon
(sweet‐scented marigold; Mexican mint marigold; sweet mace; Texas tarragon; Mexican marigold)
tagète Lucida
🔗 But once in Mexico, she was allegedly forced into prostitution there, too, he said.

Mexican mexicain; Mexicain
Mexican breadfruit faux philodendron
Mexican giant hyssop agastache mentholée; agastache mexicaine; hysope mexicaine
Mexican green tomato tomatille
Mexican ground‐cherry tomatille
Mexican hawthorn aubépine du Mexique
Mexican ivy cobée grimpante
Mexican marigold estragon mexicain; rose d’Inde; tagète Lucida
Mexican miniature water‐melon concombre à confire
Mexican paintbrush agérate du Mexique; agératum du Mexique
Mexican rose pourpier à grandes fleurs
Mexican sour cucumber concombre à confire
Mexican sour gherkin concombre à confire
Mexico Mexique