English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word action

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(activity; practice)
(act; deed; move; step)
🔗 He hoped a trade war could be avoided but warned that Mr. Trump’s action demonstrated the president was “not willing to stick to the rules”.
(battle; scuffle; fight; clash; combat; fray; engagement)
🔗 One document also estimated that between 35,000 and 43,000 Russian forces have been killed in action during the conflict.
put into action
(put on; start; turn on; activate; switch on; actuate; start off; put into force; put into operation)
mettre en action
take action
(act; move; perform)
(deadlock; immobility; stagnation; stillness)

action acte; action; action en justice; combat; engagement; mécanique; mécanisme; procès
action speaks louder than words les actes sont plus éloquents que les paroles
bring an action against intenter un procès contre; intenter une action contre
go into action aller au combat; engager le combat; passer à l’action
killed in action tué à l’ennemi
out of action détraqué; en dérangement; hors de combat
put into action mettre en action; mettre en marche; mettre à exécution
put out of action détraquer; mettre hor d’usage; mettre hors de combat
see action combattre
suit the action to the word joindre le geste à la parole
take action agir
the time has come for action il est temps d’agir