English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word argument

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Unless the government has come up with an unexpectedly brilliant and top secret legal argument against having to send the letter to the EU, it is hard to see how the premier can avoid asking the bloc for an extension.
(dispute; quarrel; controversy; disagreement; row; scrap; altercation)
🔗 It’s his revenge for all those arguments he lost to me.
se disputer
🔗 In a video posted this morning on social media, Prigožin can be seen arguing with senior Russian commanders at the regional army headquarters in Rostov.
(confrontational; contentious; waspish)

argument argument; débat; discussion; dispute
for argument’s sake à titre d’exemple
have an argument se disputer
have an argument with se disputer avec
it is open to argument that on peut soutenir que
one side of the argument une seule version de l’affaire
argue affirmer; argumenter; discuter; débattre; dénoter; indiquer; se disputer; soutenir
argumentative ergoteur; raisonneur