English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word bat

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 On rare occasions, bats who have been carried to the island with the winds can be seen, but they are not able to breed there.
big brown bat
(serotine bat; common serotine bat; silky bat)
sérotine commune
vespera eptesiko
black fruit bat
(black flying‐fox)
renard volant noir
nigra pteropo
common serotine bat
(serotine bat; big brown bat; silky bat)
sérotine commune
vespera eptesiko
Daubenton’s bat
murin de Daubenton
vespertilion de Daubenton
fruit bat
renard volant
house bat
(serotine bat)
large fruit bat
(large flying‐fox; greater flying‐fox; Malayan flying‐fox; kalang; kalong)
grand renard volant
roussette de Malaisie
granda pteropo
Natterer’s bat
murin de Natterer
pipistrelle bat
right off the bat
(at once; right now; forthwith; instantaneously; straight away; immediately; straightway; directly; instantly; right away)
; ;
tout de suite
serotine bat
(house bat)
serotine bat
(common serotine bat; big brown bat; silky bat)
sérotine commune
vespera eptesiko
silky bat
(serotine bat; common serotine bat; big brown bat)
sérotine commune
vespera eptesiko

big brown bat sérotine commune
black fruit bat renard volant noir
common serotine bat sérotine commune
Daubenton’s bat murin de Daubenton; vespertilion de Daubenton
fruit bat renard volant; roussette
house bat sérotine
large fruit bat grand renard volant; roussette de Malaisie
Natterer’s bat murin de Natterer
pipistrelle bat pipistrelle
serotine bat sérotine; sérotine commune
silky bat sérotine commune