English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word dog

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 In the lead were five dogs, straining at their leashes, digging their paws into the sparsely grassed dirt, slipping now and then.
dog nettle
(annual nettle; dwarf nettle; small nettle; burning nettle)
ortie brûlante
ortie grièche
petite ortie
malgranda urtiko
dog’s tooth grass
(Bermuda grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
male dog
chien mâle
chien viverrin
🔗 Raccoon dogs, like one shown here, were known to be traded at the market in Wǔhàn, China.
(dog‐rose; hep‐tree; common brier; canker rose; cat whin; canker; cankerberry; bird brier; brier rose; sweet brier; wild brier; witches’ brier; brier hip; dogberry; bramble rose; brier)
églantier des chiens
rosier des chiens
rosier des haies
(obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; inveterate; wilful; balky)
chien de prairie

dog‐brier églantier des chiens; rosier des chiens; rosier des haies
dog nettle ortie brûlante; ortie grièche; petite ortie
dog’s tooth grass chiendent pied de poule
raccoon dog chien viverrin
prairie‐dog chien de prairie