English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word grass

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 How well I remember the smell of the mown grass.
bear grass
(Adam’s needle; common yucca; Spanish bayonet; needle‐palm; silk‐grass; spoonleaf yucca)
yucca filamenteux
filamenta jukao
Bermuda grass
(dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
blowfly grass
(greater quaking‐grass; shelly grass; shell grass; big quaking‐grass; rattlesnake grass; rattle grass)
grande amourette
grande brize
devil’s grass
(Bermuda grass; dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
dog’s tooth grass
(Bermuda grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
dwarf eel grass
eel grass
(straight vallisneria; tape grass)
vallisnérie spiralée
herbe de mer
European grass frog
(common frog; European common frog)
grenouille rousse
fox‐tail grass
grass pea
(blue sweet pea; chickling pea; chickling vetch; Indian pea; white pea; white vetch)
gesse commune
lentille d’Espagne
pois carré
kultivata latiro
holy grass
(sweet vernal grass; buffalo‐grass; vanilla grass)
flouve odorante
Johnson grass
sorgo d’Alep
alepa sorgo
lemon grass
citronelle de l’Inde
onion grass
(crow garlic; wild garlic; stag’s garlic)
ail des vignes
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
pudding grass
(pennyroyal; European pennyroyal; squaw mint; mosquito plant)
menthe pouliot
rattle grass
(greater quaking‐grass; blowfly grass; shelly grass; shell grass; big quaking‐grass; rattlesnake grass)
grande amourette
grande brize
rattlesnake grass
(greater quaking‐grass; blowfly grass; shelly grass; shell grass; big quaking‐grass; rattle grass)
grande amourette
grande brize
scutch grass
(Bermuda grass; dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; wiregrass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
shell grass
(greater quaking‐grass; blowfly grass; shelly grass; big quaking‐grass; rattlesnake grass; rattle grass)
grande amourette
grande brize
shelly grass
(greater quaking‐grass; blowfly grass; shell grass; big quaking‐grass; rattlesnake grass; rattle grass)
grande amourette
grande brize
sweet vernal grass
(buffalo‐grass; holy grass; vanilla grass)
flouve odorante
tape grass
(straight vallisneria; eel grass)
vallisnérie spiralée
vanilla grass
(sweet vernal grass; buffalo‐grass; holy grass)
flouve odorante
viper’s grass
(black salsify; Spanish salsify; black oyster plant; serpent root; viper’s herb; scorzonera)
salsifis noir
scorsonère d’Espagne
hispana skorzonero
(sweet vernal grass; holy grass; vanilla grass)
flouve odorante
(purple nut‐sedge; red nut‐sedge)
herbe à oignon
souchet à tubercule
souchet d’Asie
souchet officinal
souchet rond
ronda cipero
(Bermuda grass; dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(meadow; pasture)
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(knotweed; polygonum)
(prostrate knotweed; birdweed; pigweed; common knotgrass)
renouée des oiseaux
birdeta poligono
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(flote‐grass; sweet‐grass)
(common quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(eel grass)
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; tottergrass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(Adam’s needle; common yucca; Spanish bayonet; bear grass; needle‐palm; spoonleaf yucca)
yucca filamenteux
filamenta jukao
(common quaking‐grass; quaking‐grass; cow‐quake; didder; dithering‐grass; dodder‐grass; doddering dillies; doddle‐grass; earthquakes; jiggle‐joggles; jockey‐grass; lady’s‐hair; maidenhair‐grass; pearl grass; quakers; quakers‐and‐shakers; shaking‐grass; wag‐wantons)
amourette commune
brize intermédiaire
(Bermuda grass; dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; devil’s grass; scutch grass)
chiendent pied de poule
fingra cinodonto

bear grass yucca filamenteux
Bermuda grass chiendent pied de poule
blowfly grass grande amourette; grande brize
devil’s grass chiendent pied de poule
dog’s tooth grass chiendent pied de poule
dwarf eel grass varech de Nolti; zostère naine
eel grass herbe de mer; vallisnérie spiralée; varech marin; zostère; zostère marine
European grass frog grenouille rousse
grass pea gesse; gesse commune; lentille d’Espagne; pois carré
holy grass flouve odorante
Johnson grass herbe de Cuba; herbe de Guinée; houlque d’Alep; sorgho d’Alep; sorgho fourrager; sorgo d’Alep
lemon grass citronelle de l’Inde
onion grass ail des vignes
pearl grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
pudding grass menthe pouliot; pouliot
rattle grass grande amourette; grande brize
rattlesnake grass grande amourette; grande brize
scutch grass chiendent pied de poule
shell grass grande amourette; grande brize
shelly grass grande amourette; grande brize
sweet vernal grass flouve odorante
tape grass vallisnérie spiralée
vanilla grass flouve odorante
viper’s grass asperge d’hiver; salsifis d’Espagne; salsifis d’été; salsifis noir; scorsonère; scorsonère d’Espagne
bluegrass pâturin
buffalo‐grass flouve odorante
coco‐grass herbe à oignon; souchet d’Asie; souchet officinal; souchet rond; souchet à tubercule
couch‐grass chiendent pied de poule
dithering‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
dodder‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
doddle‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
hair‐grass canche; deschampsie
jockey‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
knotgrass renouée
lowgrass renouée des oiseaux
maidenhair‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
mannagrass glycérie
meadow‐grass pâturin
moor‐grass molinie
quaking‐grass amourette commune; brize; brize intermédiaire
sea‐grass zostère
shaking‐grass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
silk‐grass yucca filamenteux
sweet‐grass glycérie
tottergrass amourette commune; brize intermédiaire
wiregrass chiendent pied de poule